Thank you for visiting my website. Each of the photos you see here are the products of my creativity and effort, each expressing my unique perspective. These works are protected by copyright. Therefore, when using these photos, I ask that you provide appropriate permission and credit.
As a special exception, you are free to use the photos on this website under the following conditions:
1. Do not edit or modify the photos.
2. Use the caption "(c) AoiZin" and provide a link to the top page of my website wherever the photo is used. Please ensure the caption is clearly visible and legible – don't camouflage it by matching it with the background color or by making it too small to read.
The use in educational institutions may be permitted under certain conditions. However, please consult individually for details.
However, explicit permission from me is required to use these photos in printed materials.
I sincerely hope that you enjoy and respect the photos on my website. If you have any questions or inquiries about permissions, please feel free to contact me. Enjoy exploring my website!
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